Euro Khan has joined the Gobi Clean Energy Alliance with Oyu Tolgoi LLC, Erdenes Mongol LLC, Mongolian Energy Association, Mongolian Renewables Industries Association, Mongolian Association of Energy Engineers etc, a forward-looking alliance in order to promote and develop the vast renewable and other clean energy resources in the Gobi region, Mongolia. This will benefit the economic development and the interests of the people of the country and thus our neighboring countries, through power exports. Companies declare that the purpose of the Gobi Clean Energy Alliance is to serve as a focal point to move forward on the micro-to-macro issues that need to be addressed to take this from concept to investment.

One-step solution in energy and mining sectors.

Contact us

  • DHL Building, R. 801,
          Peace Av. 10/5 SBD-1, UB 14210,
  • (+976) 11-325867