
- Brand- Plath
- Divisions - Systems and Integratoin
- Specification - Radio Reconnaissance software
- System - ICAS / The Intelligence Control and Analysis System/
The versatile use of our products is based on the great variety of our antennas, which can also be adapted to the respective customer needs. The areas of application include airborne, naval, land-based and stationary platforms.
COCKPIT is a tactical intelligence suite for platforms in the tactical environment, at sea, in the air and on land. The COCKPIT user interface has been designed for small displays and the corresponding input devices. The suite will allow you to manage third-party sensor systems with a high level of control and display the relevant information. Combined with multiple mobile platforms, COCKPIT enables efficient collaboration, including the sharing of sensor information and exchange of situation assessments. COCKPIT can thus optimally support you in your tactical operations.
Our radio direction finders are characterized by the highest precision in determining the direction of the incident electromagnetic wave. These devices are either used in the challenging environment of shortwave or in the highly dynamic and agile frequency ranges from UHF to SHF. We achieve high bandwidths, combined with excellent scanning speeds in all ranges.
The determining quality criterion for radio receivers is the ability to detect any form of electromagnetic signals with a very high probability (POI). The POI is largely derived from the four performance parameters sensitivity, selectivity, dynamic range and noise figure. All of these parameters are implemented consistently and to the greatest possible extent in the PLATH sensor technology.
The main advantage of the SIAMS 800 analysis system is that it is certified as a measuring instrument and enlisted on the Russian Register of Measuring Equipment. Siams 800 allows automated analysis of digital images of metal and alloy microstructure. The software complex determines quantitative characteristics and microstructures of materials, prepares statistical analysis and test reports, forms atlases for digital images and material examination protocols.
The AllScan® PGNAA analyser performs a complete elemental and moisture analysis of ore, be it run-of-mine, stockpile, or finished product. This delivers a rapid return on investment through improved control of processes and product quality, and through reduced material handling. AllScan® is the latest “New Generation” PGNAA Analyser. The advanced design combined with our DuraG™ analyser software has enabled us to deliver a number of world-first’s in PGNA.