We are pleased to announce that we were awarded for the tender of “Supply of off-road vehicles to the western cluster area of Mongolia’s EnvironmentalOrganizations” of KFW Bank with a grant from Germany. We will supply this tender with HOWOtrucks the manufacturer is Cheng-Li, a company that produces special purpose vehicles and containers. In this project, we prefer to contribute to our country rather than the company's interests. The contract of the tender is currently being signed with KFW Bank.We import HOWO brand cars and spare parts, and we would like to reaffirm that can trust us and the quality of the products we supply, as these machines are the best in Mongolian weather condition.


One-step solution in energy and mining sectors.

Contact us

  • DHL Building, R. 801,
          Peace Av. 10/5 SBD-1, UB 14210,
  • info@euro-khan.com
  • (+976) 11-325867